For almost every account that you make online, you are required to make a secure password. Choosing one that people can’t figure out is a matter of creating unlikely letter and number combinations. Here is a guide on to how-to make a hard-to-crack password.
- Use length to your advantage.
- Form a “random” sequence of words and/or letters. Create a phrase or series of letter that is seemingly “random” but is easy to remember. Call this your “base-word.”
Example: My first house was on Spooner Street becomes “houseonspooner”.
- Add numbers to the base-word to make it more secure.
Example: Add the house number to the end of the base-word to create “houseonspooner1500″.
- Use punctuation and symbols to “complicate” it further.
Example: Add a symbol to the word to make “houseonspooner#1500″.
- Create complexity with upper and lowercase letters.
Example: Add the house number to the end of the base-word to create “houseonSpooner1500″.
- Generate similar but altered passwords.
- Example: “JeCaMiJe_22191612″ can become “mykidsJeCaMiJe-90807060″ or “12161922*JeCaMiJe”.
- Example: “HouseonSpooner#1500″ can become “1500*myfirstHouseonSpooner” or “***15HouseonSpooner00″.
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