Thursday 6 September 2012

51 ReaSoN FoR BeiNg A SiNGle


Everyone can possibly think
of 51 reasons why you
shouldn't be single.

Be being single is not all bad! There are lots of benefits in not being tied down to a relationship. So if you are a swinging single,
enjoy your moment and
cherish it as best as you can

When the right one
comes along, you will be
losing all these benefits in a flash!

1. You have the sole
ownership of everything that
is there in your home.
2. Really one great advantage is that you dont have to keep
your purchase receipts or gifts
at places that you normally
associated with
keeping things.

3. You dont have to share or
buy twice the quantity of
anything that is yummy.

4. When you are dressing up,
it is only to impress your boss.

5. Late nights are all fun and
yours exclusively.

6. When you are moving, you
have comparatively less
things to move with you.

7. A one bedroom apartment
feels a lot more and unusually
spacious when you are
staying alone

8. Can you imagine that you
really dont need to ask for
permission in order to


9. Eat what you please, except
only when your doctor says

10. Shaving when and what
is completely your decision.

11. Valentines day is a less
costly affair

12. This is for those who
cannot remember
anniversaries. Freedom.


13. No burden to remember
birthdays that you dont need


14. You dont have to shop for
family members on holidays.

15. No Irritating in-laws is one
major advantage

16. Wish to roam around
naked when you feel like? No
one stopping you.


17. It is only you and your
sense of decency that
determines where and when
you leave your dirty laundry.


18. Sharing is a word that you
dont have to deal with

19. Your behavioral changes
have nothing to with the fact
that someone else is having a
bout of jealousy.


20. Your own insecurities are
the only ones that you have
to deal with.

21. Opportunities such as an
out-of-state job no longer
pose a problem of decision
making at home.


22. You play what you want,
when you want and as loud
as you want, no ones
complaining except the

23. falling asleep anywhere
you want is not a problem
and you certainly dont have
to feel bad about that when
you wake up in the morning.

24. No longer do you have to
use the excuse that you have
a plusmn; any longer.

25. No longer do you have to
worry too much about the
possibility that you can get

26. You are the only person
who will is ever going to go
through your stuff.

27. Your inbox is accessible by
only one person and that is


28. Needless to say you have
more time to spend with your
friends and no one is stopping


29. If someone cannot stand
your parents, you dont have
to make a compromise and
stay with that person.

30. If you want to have pizza,
no matter if it is the wee
hours of the morning; no one
is stopping you or asking you

31. You can date more often
and when ever you like.

32. Falling for the nice looking
secretary is allowed.


33. Ever heard of the whole
wedding mess? There is
nothing of that sort to deal


34. Your closet is yours only.


35. Forget the unwanted
sacrifices that you normally
have to make when it comes
to watching TV programs.


36. Same goes for reading. You
dont need to make a sacrifice
when it comes to reading


37. Your time to hit the bed is
decided by you and only you.


38. Snoring can be a problem
with your partner and not
when you have none.


39. You will not have to put
up with the unpleasant habits
of another person when you
are staying alone.


40. If you indulge in fetishes,
yours are the only ones that
you will have to deal with.


41. Speaking with self and
indulging in self conversations
are a great plus point when
you are staying alone. You
will also not have worry
about anyone else asking you plusmn; or getting worried
about the levels of your


42. You can indulge in a bit of
religious acts if you love that
without getting conscious at
any times.


43. Adopting is a great way to
promise a better life to
someone. Even if you are
single you can do that.

44. If you hate annoying
friends and specially the one
that is living with you, you
can relax now.

45. You dont have to answer
the difficult question whether
the person you are living with
is the one that you love


46. When you are doing
things, you do them the way
you want to.


47. You have complete control
over the thermostat.

48. Any mess at home is done
by you only. So you dont
have to worry about any
mess done by others.

49. Any disasters whatsoever
small it may be are yours

50. In the case of an argument
happens you have the great
option of walking away,


51. Excuses are for others and
you dont need to make them
to yourself.


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